Site is launched in Alpha mode in Magma Testnet. None of this is real. Please try and break it and report any issues into the X community. Thanks, love Dave. ❤️🌋⛓️

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Release Notes


  • You can now edit your projects!. Go to My Profile, "Owned Projects" to check it out
  • Added more categories to cover more areas you can be a "builder"
  • Newly designed Project Detail page with list of backers
  • Ability to download list of backers as .csv file so you can more easily distribute rewards


  • Custom project slugs. Example:
  • Fixed bugs in delete process
  • Added markdown support in description and rewards description
  • Better state handling across all buttons and actions - Backing, Withdraw Funds and Refunds to Backers
  • Refactor code into components rather than one massive component
  • Better error handling when creating projects
  • Project Detail improvements for progress display

Created for the Magma community. ADV. Always Deliver Value.

Release Notes