Site is launched in Alpha mode in Magma Testnet. None of this is real. Please try and break it and report any issues into the X community. Thanks, love Dave. ❤️🌋⛓️

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+ Create Project

Your Project Details
Provide rich detail as to what your project is trying to achieve and why you need funding.
Markdown is supported.
Provide as much detail as possible about what the backers of your project will receive as rewards. If you can include timescales with easily understandable promises and simple rewards.
Markdown is supported.
Please provide a fully valid URL with https:// or http:// such as
We can only accept files less than 200kb in size and in the formats of png, jpeg and webp.
Your project will be live immediately and open for the number of seconds you specify here. Once it is closed you can withdraw the project funds. This is just in seconds in testing, it will be in days once this goes live!
Helper: 2592000 = 30 days, 1209600 = 14 days, 604800 = 7 days, 86400 = 1 day, 3600 = 1 hour, 1800 = 30mins

Once your project is created you will not be able to edit the name or amount of funding needed so double check that before you hit "Create"

Created for the Magma community. ADV. Always Deliver Value.

Release Notes